Posted On July 29, 2008

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According to many philosophers, a complete, well-rounded education is regarded as the pinnacle of a person’s intellectual and emotional development. Through education, ” the individual gradually comes to share in the intellectual and moral resources which humanity has succeeded i getting together.” It is thus difficult to deny that an education is worth far more than material wealth.

Fundamentally, education enhances the individual’s mind and soul: it encompasses far more than the existence of a paper qualification. Education involves an individual spending time imbibing studying life lessons and imbibing truths that have been discovered by predecessors and peers alike. This process would allow for the person to gain a critical understanding of his own existence in this world. It is not the impact of wealth but man’s intellectual abiltily: his mind receives its nourishment, and with it, humanity advances. This phenomenon could only have occurred with the conveyance of information, study, and reflective thought throughout time from generation to generation.

Even up till today, there are many in the world who continue to thrive on acquiring knowledge believing firmly that this is still the passport to success. Despite notable examples such as Bill Gates and mark Zuckerburg, who abandoned a formal university education mid-way to make a name for themselves, a fervent faith nevertheless still persists in the merits of enriching one’s mind.  Indeed, without the stimulations from an inquistivie mind that has keenly ovserved and analysed its surroundings, one would not know where and how to venture beyond or progress. One relies on edeuctation, not ealth to stretch one’s abilities and ranscend perceived limits in our thinking world. It is through learning that Man can venture into dimensions of erudition. The discovery of fire may have been an ancient innovation, but through Man’s constant analysis and experimentation, this simple discovery has since paved thw ay for other inventions. Essentially, it is education that enables one to build on knowledge from the past in order to better what exists today by creating new ways of thought of the world to move forward, rather than mere money.

Nevertheless, there continues to be a grey area in the deabte n whether the pursuit of education or the quest for the rihes is more ideal. For many of the modern world, the answer is a no – brainier – it is money that makes the world go round today, is it not? Yet for others, the two may be synonmous, especially in a society, which demands paper qualifications to prove one’s ability to embark on a certain prefession such as medicine or law. In their eyes, education is wealth. The equation for them is simple : a higher education would bring in the cast. Thus, the chase for intelectual achievement ensues. Many nations like Japan, South Korea and China today are saturated with “intellectuals” – people who spend their lives studying and pursuing various courses of study in established universities, hoping to graduate with a masters or doctorate. They prove the point that the pursui of education is widely regarded as the path to success, with wealth being the ultimate goal.

However, the setback here is that these individuals may have the wrong interpretation of what an education can offer. They perceive it as the tool to secure them that job, that promotion, the money. The promise of material wealth has tempted many men over the course of their lifetimes. Those who obtain wealth believe that they can be certain of attatining any craeture comfort or any object they desire. However, once the dust on that has settled, what can the rich man do to occupy his life? Has hsi pursuit of knowledgr really served its purpose? All too often, the rich cpend much of their time multiplying and safreguarding their wealth, as if with the knowledge that wealth is ultimately transitory  – just one stock market crash could lead to their tradic downfall. How then are their lives made meaningful? What guranteed future do they have if they are left with nothing?

Education, on the other hand, nourishes the mind. Once knowledge is acquired< it is yours to keep and nurture. It is a quality that no one can take away. Being educated gives an individual the skills to think, to perceive, to rationalise. One can call upon the vast knowledge he possesses in any situation to solve tricky problems after some well-processed contemplation. The learning journey transcends boundaries of time, place and physicality. Essentially, education lays the first stone for and enriching existence, helping to not only open doors of opportunity but also to create a significant sense of fufilment for the individual.

All in all, education will inevitable bring about a certain degree of wealth and riches as it will help to secure a well-paying job for an individual and thereafterm,  an affuent lifestyle. However, this person must be cautious not to fall prety to leading a futile life of comfortable existebnce and to remember that learning and the parnering of knowledge in a lifelong journey. Just like how information and knowledge has been gleaned from the past in order to improve human existence, education can play the vitral role of being an evolutionary stumuls to prevent a stagnant life charecteristic of empty abundance

Shimmy Shimmy=)

Posted On July 6, 2008

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HAHAH I’m gonna be like so busy this end of year =)


13th july: start of bowling again =( practice on wed and fri =((((((






By the end of this year, i’ll probably be back to 38kg zzz.

MY SECOND FAV AUTHOR (i’m dying to sleep right now)

Posted On June 28, 2008

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nazi perod or war

narrator= death itself ( which i can really empathize with right now  

its a lit text


first the colours then the humans.(infusion of the 5 senses) That’s usually how i see things or at least how i try.

fear not, i’m all bluster, i’m not violent, i’m not malicious, i’m a result.


Posted On June 28, 2008

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Spare me, all these posts i’m doing today are real cold cause i just returned from dance and piano class, and i’m DYING WHICH MEANS EMOTIONALLY AND PHYSICALLY DRAINED.

dance today was : OMG OMG OMG

I did the whole choreography routine ZZZZZ


Posted On June 28, 2008

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What would actually pigue your interest? People should not be too apathetic about this question. Think about it and your life would be in bliss. Don’t be indolent!


Posted On June 28, 2008

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I feel really constricted in terms of expressing my talents. I’m really an ardent fan of dance(jazz, hip hop, salsa) and bowling(ok, not really). I despise egoistic people who bismirch themselves by neglecting what they already have. These people may easily culminate in the wrong path of life.


Posted On June 28, 2008

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Tussles are inevitable in this hostile environment. Why must it be so prevalent that we must always search for lucrative ideas?


Posted On June 28, 2008

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drop your weapons before you initiate a war! How could you obliterate. People these days need to rue over their problems. People should have a paradigm shift from deplorable to realising their detriments.


Posted On June 28, 2008

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I don’t abhor you,  but i’ll have to stick to the traditions, or we’ll be vulnerable to the taboo that originated from Bora Bora.


Posted On June 28, 2008

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Have a dip in a heterogeneous mixture and turn  neurotic over a gamut of emotions. Experiencing this catastrophe is a natural phenomenon.

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